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Halloween is around the corner!!

Halloween is around the corner, and we have already started planning our annual Halloween party! More details will be coming in a future post! We hope you enjoy our newly created site! This will be where we post more information on what we are doing, as well as our Facebook page! See the behind the scenes for setting up our events, the chaos that happens during the event, and how tired the members are afterwards on our Instagram and Twitter pages! We still have to get these set up but we will let you know what those are as soon as we do!

Please don't hesitate to send us ideas, suggestions, or questions! We will reply as soon as we can!

We want to thank everyone for making these parties a huge success. Without you all, we wouldn't be able to do these! We as a committee enjoy seeing our community kiddos in their costumes around this time of the year!

Happy Fall Y'all!

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